Having looked at a number of monolingual print dictionaries in class this week, I have decided to buy the Cambridge Advanced Learner´s Dictionary. Even though it was very hard to decide which one of them I liked the most, the Cambridge Advanced Learner´s Dictionary became my favourite. It has many colorful pictures, which makes studying easier and more fun. In the middle of the book is a short grammar section, which would certainly be very helpful in my education. The last chapter offers some extra information about writing and communication skills and also, a pronunciation table. The part that I especially liked was the CD-Rom, which includes the whole paper dictionary in a handy, searchable format. I have always been a fan of modern technology and a dictionary like this would be quite useful for fulfilling my needs. Since this dictionary is perfect for me, I have decided to buy it in order to improve my English.
Last week we got our second piece of homerwork back.
The task was to write a paragraph about our favourite monolingual print
dictionary. I chose to write about the Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary.
Luckily, my paragraph was not as bad as my previous essay. However, I made a
really horrible mistake. I wrote my own topic sentence, instead of using the
given one. I must pay more attention on our tasks!
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